Mission Statement...
It is the mission of the 87-20 SSA to work in partnership with schools, agencies, parents, and students to actively respond to the needs of students with disabilities and their families by providing supports that will encourage and foster empowerment, independence, and inclusiveness in all aspects of the educational experience in school and beyond.
Who We Are...
The 87-20 SSA is a special education cooperative composed of six member school districts in West Texas. Coahoma ISD, Forsan ISD, Glasscock County ISD, Grady ISD, Greewnwood ISD, and Stanton ISD have entered into the Shared Service Arrangement to operate their special education programs jointly.
The purpose of the Shared Service Arrangement is to provide efficient delivery of special education and related services to eligible students with disabilities. The goal of the 87-20 Special Education SSA is to assist the six member districts through staffing and services and provide educational opportunity to ALL qualifying children with disabilities. The Management Board of the Shared Service Arrangement consists of the Superintendents from each Member District. The Director of the Shared Service Arrangement oversees the employees and day-to-day management. Each Member District has an Educational Diagnostician, Speech Pathologist, Special Education Counselor, Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP), Homebound Teacher, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Vision Specialist, and Audio provided by the 87-20 Special Education Shared Service Arrangement. 87-20 also provides GAP (the graduation assistance program) which is credit recovery through a self-paced computer program that allows students to complete their graduation requirements. |
A Little History...
The 87-20 Special Education Shared Service Arrangement originated in 1979 with the Member Districts of Coahoma ISD, Forsan ISD, and Stanton ISD which are located along State Highway 87 and Interstate Highway 20, thus forming the name “87-20” Special Education Shared Service Arrangement. The first director was W. A. Wilson. In 1980 Grady ISD and Glasscock County ISD became members, and in 1981 the final member of the Shared Service Arrangement, Greenwood ISD, joined the ranks. The Special Education Shared Service Arrangement offices moved into the present location on South Wasson and Chestnut in Big Spring in the summer of 1981.